Cyber Security Solutions

Our trusted and proven approach drives end-to-end security efforts, supporting your entire IT organization to help find, fix, and prevent threats before they disrupt your business. Depending on how far you’re going – and how fast – we deliver scalable application and network assessment, and advisory services to deliver full-spectrum threat and vulnerability management using adaptable processes, trusted automation, and experienced insights

Internal Penetration Testing

Assessing an enterprise’s internal network is a layered process – single source scanning won’t provide comprehensive coverage. We will enumerate vulnerabilities across internal devices, systems, and applications through deep-dive manual penetration testing that simulates the overt actions of a malicious attacker. This produces real-world results on actual vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are then identified by the initial scanning efforts and verified to eliminate false positives. We thoroughly analyze the remainder and manually probes for any unidentified vulnerabilities the scanners couldn’t find

External Penetration Testing

Susceptibility to an external penetration attack from the Internet is one of the most common vulnerabilities. We identify exposures due to patch or version-related issues, weak configurations, and flaws in application code. For high-value software assets or critical points-of-entry into your network, working with us begins with a primer on scanning versus penetration testing.